You no longer have to keep powering-through.

You’re a high-performer who’s capable of handling a lot. 

So much so that few would think you’re weary or imagine that what it takes to do it all is quietly draining you – or keeping you feeling stuck or weighed down.

You’re ready to do more than keep up appearances, keep your head above water or keep people happy at the expense of your values and your well-being. 

You want to stop listening to outside ideas of 
what you should do or who you should be. 

And instead, develop a rock solid relationship 
with the discomfort of being human as you lead through controversy, conflict and creating change.

Let’s power-with your humanity. 

work with me

If that’s you, here’s how we can work together…

Facing a high-stakes decision 
or hard conversation?

Don’t lose sleep. Get clarity. 

The Clarity Intensive


  • Feel more at ease in the throes of a difficult or important situation 
  • Mitigate risks to your reputation, relationships & well-being
  • Move forward confidently without residual strain and stress

Power-with your whole self so you can contribute greatly without burning out.

1:1 Unburdened Leadership Coaching

Have me in your corner with 1:1 sessions and real-time Voxer access to work through conflict, pressing questions, and big decisions. We’ll identify your burdens, get clear on what’s true for you, and strategize powerful ways forward.

The result is increased inner bandwidth to do hard things, take clear action more often, and create the culture you want for yourself and the people you lead.

Group Coaching  & mentoring to Lighten Your Load & Create What’s Next for You

Unburdened Leader Foundations

Get support & develop your inner skills alongside other accomplished, talented leaders who dare to care instead of checking out. 

Doing things differently gets easier when we do it together.

coming soon

Keynotes & Talks

Hire me to speak at your event.

I’m often hired to speak on collective mental health and wellbeing, shame resilience in leadership, and how true success is about getting clear on your enough — not just being focused on attaining more and more.

For a healthier, human-friendly workplace.

Corporate Consultations, Facilitation & Workshops

A trauma-informed culture fosters 
collaboration, collective coping practices, innovation, and wellbeing. 

Whether you’re recovering from a crisis moment or have big goals to reach for, let’s equip you and your people with the emotional capacity to move forward.

Professional Consultations

Your mentor in the credentialing & consultation process.

I’m authorized to credential folks who are becoming Internal Family Systems Therapists or Certified Eating Disorder Specialist through iaedp™. 

I can also consult helping professionals who want to integrate Brené Brown’s work into your practice (though she is no longer credentialing). 

The world needs more Unburdened Leaders:

Emotionally engaged.
Passionately committed. Deeply Human.

Curious about working with me? Let’s connect and consider whether this work is a match for your unique needs.

What qualifies me to do this work:

I'm an experienced psychotherapist, professionally certified coach, and long-time entrepreneur who’s also worked in corporate, politics, and the international non-profit space.

My unique methodology for working with leaders is based on 20+ years of training, study, practice and extensive experience in high-powered settings.

Insights to help you:

The Unburdened Leader Weekly

• Release the stifling expectations that keep strong leaders stuck

•  Make healthy space for emotions while maintaining momentum

•  Develop skills to lead without losing yourself or your values